Celebrating 150 years
An invitation to wonder
17 June 2024 – 28 June 2024
. The fine works you are about to view are the culmination of countless hours honing, refining, and in some cases redefining what it means to be a proficient practitioner. Our final-year students are nearing completion of their time at university. Their works thus offer us insights into their storied experiences at the School of Design, as well as glimpses of a future they will shortly forge beyond our walls.
As you browse, ask yourself: what do you see on those walls? Why does one piece have these colours, another such shapes? How many ideas went into producing that final result? How many more never made it onto the walls? I hope you will discover these works are as much windows to worlds beyond as they are spirited reflections of wonder within each of us. So please join us in celebrating the drawings, designs, prints, forms, and animations that have paintakingly been brought to light by the wonderfully talented class of 2024.
Professor Maria Lonsdale
Head of School
School of Design
University of Leeds
Exhibitions by BA courses