Degree Show 2023
Ellie Crewe
BA Graphic and Communication Design
My work brings about conceptual thinking into visually compelling designs, typically challenging conventions. Primarily, my work focuses on branding, advertising, and the strategy behind rolling out new brands.
New Rules is a branding project for women’s football that seeks new opportunities to tackle, engage and leverage the untapped market: Male football fans. The brand adopts an unpretentious, unapologetic, and slightly rebellious approach in its disrespect to the limits of its category, seeking a new way of speaking to male football fans.

Unlike other women’s football campaigns New Rules takes on a tone of voice that is unpretentious, unapologetic, and slightly rebellious in its disrespect to the limits of its category.
A brand centred around the consumer is at the heart of New Rules.

The New Rules advertising campaign aims to speak to the target audience, whilst selling the accepting culture of women’s football. The campaign twists the visual language of iconic football chants and quotes to sell the unique selling points of women’s football (either its accepting culture or its real struggle) for a thought-provoking impact.
There is no defined system within the typeface, New Rules is not a brand concerned with getting things perfect and precise every time, allowing the same for the audience, selling the acceptance and environment of women’s football.

The brand connects UI/UX design as a point of action for the consumer; a place where the consumer can find the closest women’s matches to their location.

The brand uses personalised social media advertising to tap into the loyal asset of football. This, therefore, twists the user’s favourite male team’s iconic chants and switches the copy of them to sell the uniqueness of women’s football. Furthermore, using localised copy as a way of connecting and engaging the initial engagement of the target audience.

Further brand engagement taps into the intended target audience’s touchpoints by the creation of a sports bar. This intends to immerse the consumer into the environment they should come to expect from a women’s football match. This provides a space for people to not only connect and engage with women’s football but also the emulate the wider environment it is associated with- broadening the appeal.