Degree Show 2023
Emily Shave
BA Graphic and Communication Design
Hi! I’m Emily, a creative specialising in Graphic Design, with particular love for social media, content creation, branding & logo work, with a soft spot for illustration. I want to use graphic design to help shape the world and do good where I can.

For my final project I designed a recipe book for the charity Flourishing Families Leeds, with the aim to help children and adults in low-income areas cook healthy, nutritious food at home, and to encourage them to learn valuable life skills that will benefit them, their kids and the next generation. It has been designed with literacy struggles in mind, is budget and age friendly and does not discriminate between lower and higher income.

The book contains 6 recipes: 2 veggie, 2 chicken and 2 meat, all created by Flourishing Families Leeds. Each recipe has 10 illustrated pages with the aim to help children to understand the steps involved easily and help them recall what they have learnt in the Flourishing Families Cookery Club.

Each recipe contains utensils needed, ingredients, illustrated pages and a written version of the recipe at the end where needed.