Degree Show 2023
James Martin
BA Graphic and Communication Design
As a designer, I enjoy solving creative problems by coming up with innovative and exciting design solutions. With key interests in illustration and advertising, I’m always ready and willing to try new techniques. I’m always looking for new opportunities to experiment and build my skills within the world of graphic design and communication.

Final Year Independent Project: The Confidence of a Queen in a Can.
“NERVE” is a mocktail brand that aims to provide their target audience of the LGBTQ+ community with an alternative to drinking alcohol. One of the main reasons that people drink alcohol is for confidence. These mocktails allow the drinker to feel confident through the ‘placebo effect’. This is when you feel the effect of alcohol without actually consuming it.
The visual identity of “NERVE” is made up of symbolism associated with drag queens. Drag queens are a metaphor for confidence and are prominent figures within the LGBTQ+ community. The visual language associated with drag queens will encourage the target audience to interact with the various outcomes. This, along with the confident symbols of crowns, flamboyant typography, and bright colours allows for the theme of confidence to be highlighted. Therefore, when my audience drinks a “NERVE” mocktail, the placebo effect kicks in and they can feel the confidence of a drag queen. Highlighting how I have created “The Confidence of a Queen in a Can.” My target audience can then feel confident without having to consume alcohol.

Born Ugly Project: Putting the “happy” back in Happy Meal
Cases of anxiety in children are on the rise. This project has taken the Mcdonald’s Happy Meal and rebranded it with soothing, pastel colours and included well-being activities on the packaging. Children will be able to complete these activities whilst having their Friday night treat of a Mcdonald’s, and therefore these children will then feel calmer and anxiety levels will decrease.