Submit your work

Submit your work

Instructions: Please Read Carefully

The portal is now closed. Submission was from 1 September 2023 (9am) to 15 September 2023 (2pm). Extensions beyond the portal opening times will not be granted after this period.

You will need your email address to upload your work to the Degree Show 2023 website. Please ensure information is entered accurately into the required form fields. Improper formatting will delay processing and your work may not be published on the site.

Once your work has been submitted, it will be checked by a member of staff for suitability and compliance. We aim to complete the audit quickly, but depending on volume of submissions this may take up to 3–4 working days. If everything is correct, your work will be published and an email confirmation will be sent to you. Likewise, you will receive an email if amendments are required.

To have your work featured on the Degree Show 2023 website:
• You must upload at least 1 media (image or video) file.
• Additional uploads, beyond the first compulsory media file, are optional.
• You can upload up to 3 media files in total — these can be all images, all videos, or a combination of these.
IMPORTANT: Each file should not exceed 2MB in size.

Instructions for Image Files
• Image files must be uploaded only in JPG or PNG format.
• Images must have a minimum width of 1200px and a maximum width of 1980px.
• Image file names must be formatted as: firstname-lastname-01.jpg (e.g. james-bond-01.jpg)
• If you are uploading multiple images, subsequent file names must be formatted as:
firstname-lastname-02.jpg (e.g. james-bond-02.jpg)
firstname-lastname-03.jpg (e.g. james-bond-03.jpg)

Instructions for Video Files
• Video files must be uploaded only in MP4 format.
• Video files must be in a 16:9 aspect ratio.
• Video file names must be formatted as: firstname-lastname-01.mp4 (e.g. james-bond-01.mp4)
• If you are uploading multiple videos, subsequent file names must be formatted as:
firstname-lastname-02.mp4 (e.g. james-bond-02.mp4)
firstname-lastname-03.mp4 (e.g. james-bond-03.mp4)

Example of How to Correctly Name Your Media Files in Sequence
• A student with first name James and last name Bond is uploading 3 images and 2 videos.
• James Bond will name each media file in the sequence that it should appear on the site:

Frequently Asked Questions

+ How many images and videos can I upload?

You can upload a maximum total of 3 files. These can be all images, all videos, or a combination. However, the maximum number of uploads in any combination is capped at 3.

+ What happens if I submit more than 3 files?

We will only consider the first 3 file submissions. The rest will not be uploaded. If your submission contains too many files we may reject the entire submission. Please only submit 3 files.

+ What is the maximum file size for images and videos?

The maximum size is 2MB per file. This 2MB limit applies to image and video files. Note that large video sizes may cause your submission to run slowly or not load at all on 3G and 4G connections. It is in your interest, therefore, to not exceed the 2MB limit per file.

+ What happens if just one of my files is larger than 2MB?

Any file above 2MB in size will not be included in your submission. Owing to the number of students submitting work, we cannot process individual files. It is your responsbility to keep every file size below 2MB.

+ How long will it take for my work to feature?

3–4 working days is the norm. However, we endeavour to upload your submission within 1 working day.

+ Where do I submit my work?

You can only submit your work through the official Univeristy of Leeds Microsoft Form for the Degree Show 2023. The link to this form is at the bottom of this webpage. Emailed submissions will not be accepted.

+ I submitted the wrong file. What should I do?

Please contact Dr Arjun Khara at a.khara[at] Note that while the team will endeavour to help you with errors, we cannot guarantee any fixes, owing to the number of submissions the team is dealing with during this period. In the end it is still your responsbility to follow all instructions.

+ I need technical help. Whom should I contact?

Please contact Dr Arjun Khara at a.khara[at] Note that while the team will endeavour to help you with any technial issues, we cannot guarantee any fixes, owing to the number of submissions the team is dealing with during this period.

Submit Your Work

Note: The portal is now closed. You can only submit this form once, so please ensure everything is correct the first time. Within your submission you can upload up to 3 files (images and/or videos) to showcase your work. Each file must not be more than 2MB, otherwise the system will reject the submission.

DS2023 Submission Form

The submission portal is now closed. The portal was open from 1 September 2023 (9am) to 15 September 2023 (2pm). Please have your Leeds-issued email address ready, or log in to your university account on this browser.