Degree Show 2023
Tanya Dare
BA Graphic and Communication Design
With a keen focus on how our world is evolving and how it effects us, I love to apply design through illustration and motion to encourage others to engage with these topics. I believe the familiarity of characters in these formats can always help our communication feel more human – and it’s always more fun!

An online campaign disguised as a fable-inspired game release, Parasoul permeates its audiences interest with the promise of playability only to result in reflection on the implications of parasocial relationships through unique choice based outcomes.
Based on Aesop’s Gnat and the Bull, the game depicts the player (the gnat) depending on it’s environment (the bull) for energy, metaphorising the one sided relationship. The player must balance their resources whilst living and feeding off the bull, all whilst not recognising the bull, itself, is also just a being. Through encouraging the audience to play to multiple outcomes and theorise the figurative message, the campaign aims for young people to interpret the meaning in their own terms and overall reflect on the state and health of their personal relationships with online creators.
Parasoul Launch Trailer Snippet, see the full video here
Gameplay Shots, see the prototype walkthrough here

Unique Outcome Achievements

D&AD New Blood Winner – Feel Lighter Doing Good. Check out our submission