Degree Show 2023
Vatch Sasit
BA Graphic and Communication Design
Thoughts are not static; they are constantly floating in our heads, and we have multiple of them throughout the day. I create design that explore thoughts about everyday frustrations, mishaps, and unfortunate experiences individuals might be going through. Bringing these thoughts and comments to life through experimental interactions. Create motion graphics of system for deeper interactive navigation and experiences about the problems of others instead of just quickly reading it flat and scrolling past it, breaking conventions and aiming to be radical. People often find comfort in reading others’ stories, realising they are not alone in facing life’s challenges.

Anomi is an app that acts as a mental repository of spaces and rooms, allowing you to take these thoughts about everyday frustrations, mishaps, and unfortunate experiences individuals might be going through and anonymously share them, bringing these thoughts and comments to life in a 3D animated system for deeper interactive navigation and attention to details in others struggles in life. Watch on YouTube

Breaking the conventions of how social media works. As an outlet for emotional release, users share their frustrations, which momentarily lighten their burdens. People often find comfort in reading others’ stories, realising they are not alone in facing life’s challenges. Watch on YouTube