Becky French

Degree Show 2024

Becky French

BA Art and Design

The Save the Reefs campaign is a multidisciplinary project comprising animations, merchandise, marketing strategies, and more, designed for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). This campaign merges the realms of art, design, and marketing, deeply rooted in my passion for the ocean and its conservation. Grounded in real facts and statistics, the campaign highlights the dire state of our oceans and underscores the urgent need for their protection and revival.

The animation employs emotional narration, coupled with naturalistic sounds and music, to forge a connection with the viewer. The use of colour saturation is a key storytelling element, depicting bleached reefs and their impact on marine life. A pivotal aspect of environmental advertising is hope so the animation concludes with a powerful message of how coral farming can rejuvenate coral reefs.

In addition to the animated advert, the campaign includes various products that both promote and fund conservation efforts. Designing cohesive repeat patterns and incorporating consistent illustrated elements were essential to ensure that all components work harmoniously to convey the campaign’s message. Creating apparel was a significant aspect of the campaign, inspired by Greenpeace’s findings that apparel can exponentially spread a charity’s message.

Given the oceanic focus of the campaign, I designed a swimwear collection alongside T-shirts. The adoption box plays a crucial role in the campaign and WWF’s marketing strategy. By utilizing WWF’s brand colours, fonts, and strategies, I ensured that the fact sheets and adoption certificates I designed seamlessly integrate with the WWF brand.