Lasya Priyanjani Galla

Degree Show 2024 Lasya Priyanjani Galla BA Fashion Design I am an International student from India with a Visual Arts background. My work for my Final year project takes heavy inspirations from Art and Popular media, often a practice encouraged in Arts as well. This independent Portfolio efficiently presents collections made for multiple market areas …

India Sangar

Degree Show 2024 India Sangar BA Fashion Design This project is inspired by the traditional Indian saree and my dual ethnicity, merging Indian and British cultures. Marigold, my brand, honors my heritage, blending Western and Indian fashion. The portfolio showcases brand identity development, collection design, and final outfits, emphasising sustainable practices and zero waste. handshakeConnect …

Grace Kuk

Degree Show 2024 Grace Kuk BA Fashion Design Being a passionate individual of fashion who immersed herself creatively I have gained a comprehensive understanding of pattern making, garment construction and illustrated collections at university that are both explore mens and womenswear. My two final collections have explored The Great Outdoors focusing on rock formations and …