Degree Show 2024
Erin Densham
BA Art and Design
My artwork explores the female form’s complexity using fabric, incense burns, and vibrant colours. It symbolises the interplay between physical anatomy and emotional states, highlighting resilience and fragility. The piece invites reflection on the healing process and the intricate connection between the body’s physical and emotional experiences.

From the female figure’s hands, long red and blue threads extend, symbolising blood vessels and the vital circulatory system. These threads represent the emotional release and healing process, illustrating that letting go of negative emotions takes time. Around the figure’s head, I stitched red and blue wool into knots, representing the complex emotions within the mind. The contrasting colours capture the calm and intense parts of our inner experiences.

Using incense sticks to burn holes in the fabric, I created intricate patterns that evoke multiple interpretations. These holes symbolise red and white blood cells, essential for sustaining life, and represent the body’s transformation and regeneration. They can also be seen as metaphorical wounds or scars, reflecting the resilience of the female body.

My artwork invites viewers to consider the intricate interplay between our internal and external experiences. By combining anatomical elements with emotional landscapes, I hope to inspire reflection and compassion, encouraging viewers to contemplate their own emotional journeys and the process of healing.