Isabel Andrews

Degree Show 2024

Isabel Andrews

BA Fashion Marketing

Hi I’m Isabel! Over the past four years I have honed a particular interest in branding and product development, which is supported by my passion for creative problem solving. Throughout final year I have developed Heirloom, a sustainable jewellery brand which utilises the circular economy to ensure the conservation of memories and history. Heirloom strives to launch sentimental vintage pieces swathed in their histories into the sustainable jewellery market, as well as providing the services of repair and reworking to ensure each piece and its story lasts forever.

Recycling jewellery in the UK as post-consumer waste is significantly difficult with no standardised recycling methods across the country. Usually, it can only be donated to charity shops where all additional meaning, history and sentimental value is lost. This ultimately reduces the jewellery’s value and makes consumer reluctant to recycle. Heirloom is the first jewellery brand to centre the history of its jewellery to combat pollution and overconsumption. The communication plan for Heirloom is constructed to effectively communicate this to the target consumer.

Heirloom’s marketing strategy features many innovative yet sustainable, experiential aspects such as carrier pigeon delivered invitations. Content marketing is also considered to build a relationship with the consumer and advertise the brand events. Each element is designed to communicate Heirloom’s brand values of sustainability and conservation to entice the primary consumer.

Also explored in Heirloom’s marketing plan is a partnership with the National Trust. This will effectively target shared primary consumers through shared brand values and continue to build awareness and community. Firstly, multi-sensory pop-up street instillation will advertise the partnership and events utilising guerilla marketing. These will generate footfall at three immersive exhibitions across the country at National Trust properties which portray the histories of significant jewellery pieces.