Degree Show 2024
Leia Nahal
BA Graphic and Communication Design
An aspiring creative individual with an eye for design being my main personality trait. My aim is to continuously push creative boundaries and use design as a tool for change. i thrive in tackling every brief with my unique expertise and my unconventional approach to design to exceed clients expectations.
Sleep Debt Tomorrow is an immersive experimental editorial book, presenting sleep debt to a community that no longer prioritises retaining a full eight hour rest, this book explores and highlights the consequences of lack of sleep and its impact on an individuals mind, health and body through visual exploration and experimental typography. The goal of this book is to add value to tomorrow and present the consequences of sleep depri- vation to the reader in a visually engaging way, to create a conversation with the reader to think about their own sleep pattern and to break the vicious cycle of sleep debt.

Pitch the Unpitchable It is the year 2040, the government has introduced sleep debt as new taxable commodity to a society that no longer prioritises retaining a sufficient number of hours of sleep, therefore affecting the overall work ethic and productivity levels of citizens and their contribution to society.

A better tomorrow derives from the quantity and quality of sleep an indi- vidual’s endures and can effect their, concentration, health and behav- iour the following day. Citizens are not prioritising sleep which can af- fect their overall wellbeing, productivity long term and short term.