Puja Sharma

Degree Show 2024

Puja Sharma

BA Art and Design

At the centre of my practice is exploring the intersections of the natural and human spaces which inhabit the earth. My installations are at their core inspired by arboreal forms, and within a postconceptualist narrative, invite the visitor to interact and reflect within the space they are experiencing.

Canopy II is a development from my previous installation Canopy, where I became inspired by the overhead canopy of leaves and branches in a woodland. Contemporary installation art often provokes the visitor to experience artwork in a way different to the standard ‘white cube’ gallery model and offers unique ways to interact with and view artwork.

This piece invites visitors to interact however they wish, by stepping inside of the textile tubes, moving through them, and looking upwards. Various slight openings and shorter panels invite the visitor to step inside and experience the work. The scale of each of the five tubular elements of the installation by design allows visitors to have a more intimate and individual experience.

The installation was created with a wide variety of textiles. Some panels of fabric are heavily opaque, and others gauzy and translucent which alongside the varying lengths form interesting narratives of private and public space. The use of textiles further opens discussions of new materiality and the histories and uses of fabric, alongside my application of natural dyeing.