Degree Show 2024
Rebecca Berry
BA Art and Design
My collection of sculptures, Plant Kingdom Aglow, delves into themes of growth processes and the invasive tendencies inherent in plant life. Drawing inspiration from the dynamic nature of biomorphic plant life and the imaginative realm of science fiction, I explore the constant state of flux in plants.

Just as growth networks are omnipresent, sculpture material is all around us. Through processes of rematerializing everyday found materials such as plastic bags, food packaging and balloons, I initiate a dialogue between materials, highlighting the transformative processes of growth and adaption. I seek to evoke curiosity, wonder and speculation through material choices and modes of display.

I have been fascinated by the relationship the site has with my work. Different locations offer new possibilities for my work to latch, invade and transform. The display of my final pieces creates a contemplative space where viewers are encouraged to think about their relationship with plant life and look at their environment from new angles, exploring their surroundings.
I encourage the viewer not to see the work as individual isolated pieces, but as a cohesive whole, mirroring ecosystems in nature. This is echoed in my video work where I infused movement into my sculptures, emphasising the dynamic essence of plant life.